• 939 North Boonville Suite F, Springfield

Motorcycle Accident Attorney Springfield MO

When a motorcycle is involved in a crash with a car or semi truck, the results can be catastrophic. Motorcycle accidents often result from the negligence or carelessness of other drivers who:

  • Do not check their blind spot when changing lanes
  • Do not see the motorcycle when entering or exiting a street
  • Do not yield the right of way at a stop
  • Made a sudden left hand turn in front of an oncoming motorcycle at an intersection

Under Missouri law, motorcycle accident victim may recover past and future medical bills and rehabilitation, lost wages, pain and suffering.


Of 2021 motorcycle crashes resulted in the injury or death.


Of the people who died in 2021 motorcycle related crashes on Missouri roads were the motorcycle riders.


Of all motorcycles involved in 2021 Missouri fatal crashes collided with another motor vehicle in transport.


Increase in the likelihood of death if a rider is not wearing a helmet.

Most Common Motorcycle Injuries:

  • Neck and Head Injuries – Neck strain and head trauma are common in motorcycle accidents. Injury can range from a concussion to a traumatic brain injury and paralysis.
  • Road Rash – Road rash is a common term used for abrasions caused by scrapes received during an accident. Sometimes, road rash can go through all the layers of skin and require skin grafting surgery to heal.
  • Biker’s Arm – Biker’s arm is a is broad category of injuries to the nerves in the upper arm that occurs when a biker either lands on their arm in a crash or the motorcycle lands on their arm.

Contact for a Free Consultation!

Thank you for visiting Tad Morlan, Attorney at Law located in Springfield Missouri.

If you need a legal quote, please contact us. It is always free to get a quote by phone, mail, or email. To email us, use the form below.

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939 North Boonville , Suite F
Springfield, MO 65802


Mon – Fri : 8:00am to 5:00pm
Closed Everyday 12:00pm-1pm for Lunch